Men Don’t Leave

Movie #9

Date Released: 2.23.90

Date Watched: ?


This is the best movie I have seen yet, since starting this project. I basically either laughed or cried all the way through this one. The acting, particularly by Joan Cusack, Jessica Lang, and Kathy Bates is superb. I need to mention that I feel Joan Cusack is an American treasure; I really do. All along, as a boy growing up in the 80’s, I noticed John Cusack much more and thought Joan was sort of along for the ride. Boy was I wrong. While Joan comes across as a bit odd (and it’s hard to know if it’s all acting) her acting range is incredibly impressive. She is basically the ultimate best friend in movie history (maybe not movie history, I guess.)

Men Don’t Leave was a hard watch, in some ways, but it lets the viewer far more off the emotional hook than something like Ordinary People, which just keeps digging at your soul until there is nothing left. Again, maybe this is all part of the theme of optimism as the decade turns a corner with Vietnam going further away in the rearview mirror and the communist block starting to crumble and grow a softer stance with the West.

Or maybe I’m reading too much into it.

Regardless, this is the first movie I truly, totally enjoyed in a well-rounded way. It is funny, sad, and entertaining. 

Now on to Loose Cannons...

Publishing Notes:


Loose Canons


A Man Called Sarge